December 31, 2018 Praveen

Bible Reading Plans for New Year

Plan your day with Father

Below are the some of the useful links to meditate on the Bible as per your convenience to make it  as a routine part of our daily life

If you are in America you will check your phone once in every 12 minutes this is equals to 80 times a day, in UK it is at least once an hour (nearly 28 times a day)(according to Independent news)

It is far worse in India as now they are in a a speed to beat US and other countries in average smart phone screen time per day. According to Economic times (India times) survey beginning of 2018 average smart phone screen time in India it is 3 hours a day and counting on..

Another study by ICSSR published later 2018 revealed that an average college student in India checks their mobile phones surpassed 150 times a day

If you are not a regular Bible reader or if you do not have a Daily Bible Reading plan to keep yourself connected to God daily its just matter of time to fall in this filthy world and its attractions

No matter how much you involve in the Church activities like Worship leading, Bible study leading, Pastoring, counselling, Mens leader, Women’s leading, Sunday School leader and any other activities

Word of God says now is the time to reach God, today is the better day as God speaks to you

If you don’t haven any specific Bible reading plan please make it as a habit to reach God daily

5 Days a Week New Testament Bible Reading Plan 

52 Week Bible Reading Plan

5x5x5 New Testament Bible Reading Plan (Only New testament)

A Bible Reading Chart

Chronological Bible Reading Plan (in the order of time frame)

The Discipleship Journal Bible Reading Plan (collective reading from various books in the bible that have a relation between them)

Two-Year Bible Reading Plan

These are all worked out by some experts world-wide and may/may not suite your routine but our ultimate goal is to connect ourself with God on a daily basis more than we seek our gadgets in the modern life styles

We teamed up with some Godly people to move this plan further so please keep checking this post on a regular base and be blessed

If you want to know more about Bible and facts about time line and authors in Telugu click here, this will help you to understand Bible basics

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